It’s been quite a long time since I’ve enjoyed a snow day this much. The city’s quieter and somehow. it’s kind of nice that cars slow down for you to cross the slushy streets too.
For someone who doesn’t live relatively that close to the city, it was an adventure getting up at 6 am to make the 7:30 am train to Manhattan. I dread it a little every time my alarm is set at 6 am, but something about mornings in the city that convinces me it’s not too bad after all, especially when I’m meeting lovely faces for coffee or breakfast.
Everyone has this image of a magical New York when it snows, but as you can see, the streets turn brown within a few hours. Thank god I’ve learned my lessons and threw on my rain boots.
Van Le was wearing our JL011 Olive Green Cocoon Coat
Original link : forevervanny.com/2017/02/snow-day.html